Friday, January 4, 2008

Yeah Baby

Woo Hoo! Way to go Barack Obama, laying the smack down on Hillary Clinton!! Love that man.


Lisa R.D. said...

I have to say, I was a little surprised at the outcome--so pleased with Obama (and the margin with which he won!!). And very surprised that Huckabee managed to beat Romney, McCain, and Giuliani by so much...
With as much as I don't like him, he'll be easy to beat, right? That may be the only redeeming factor about Huckabee!

Lula Mae said...

All I have to say about Huckabee is that he is a great example of how really alive and well religious intolerance is in America today. Does any one really think he can do the job or do they just feel "safer" that he's not Mormon?

Megan said...

I'm not much of a democrat, though I am pretty ignorant on the issue, but I am glad Hillary got blown out.