Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Preschool Field Trip

I have learned more on Pre-k field trips than I care to admit. Today for example, I learned how a mail carrier sorts and delivers mail. (I know that many of you just read that sentence and thought, "well duh, doesn't everybody know that?") Well, I didn't know that each carrier sorts and packs their own mail according to a delivery plan that they have memorized. There's a lot that each carrier has to do that I just had no idea about.

Other things I've learned on field trips:
Apples don't get sweet until the weather turns cold
Cheetahs actually squeak like a bird
Candy canes are made like taffy, they just go around an extra corner to get their crook

1 comment:

Linda Lou said...

Moms just never stop learning! And it's stuff you didn't even know that you didn't know. (Did that make sense?)

Anyway, congrats on your continuing education plan.