Thursday, January 3, 2008

Diet Tips

My husband bought several very long King Crab legs at our local Costco New Year's Eve. (He says he feels compelled to support those who lose their lives to bring us the bounty of the deep.) But here it is, the third of January and I still have freakishly long, orange appendages on the bottom shelf of my refrigerator. Needless to say, every time I open the door I am greeted with the hypnotic smell of fish. Now, most of you would say, throw the offending legs out. But I am in a bit of a quandary. Since this week was a holiday, the trash guy doesn't come for another day and we have a couple of roaming dogs in the area who would undoubtedly attack my garbage receptacles should I place the "dead for several days" fish into them. Which of course would result in my picking up mangled, freakishly long orange appendages from the grass. No thanks. So I have opted to keep the crab in my refrigerator for yet another day. I have found this to be a strangely effective diet strategy as I have no desire to eat anything that comes from my refrigerator. So here's my tip: all new year dieters, just fill your fridge with rotting fish and viola, instant appetite suppressant.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Gross. Is your food beginning to taste like fish?