Friday, March 14, 2008

A Fantastic Tool

I remembered last night that my faith is another tool of the Lord. Just like I can use my hands to help others, I can use my faith also. And just like any muscle, the more it's used, the stronger it gets. I think we often forget that faith is an actual force or energy. In a world that is so big and yet so connected I often feel inadequate to help those who are far from me. I have often found that when I feel helpless to help others in need I can turn to the Lord to bridge the distance. Some may say "well look at all the bad in the world. There is no way that your prayers are doing anything." I would say, not enough people are praying. Imagine the good that could be done in the world through the force of faith!


Lisa R.D. said...

Good thoughts... I loved something from the March Ensign which I heard quoted at a Sacrament Meeting I visited last Sunday--the term "dynamic faith" was used. I like thinking that our faith changes as we grow and progress and also that our faith is dynamic in the sense that it has the power to change. I have always viewed faith as an action word, and I like your point that it is actually a tool that can be used as a force for good. Thanks!

Lisa said...

Hey Tiff -

Another fantastic tool we have to use is Fasting. Dawson and I have been fasting together as a couple for the past several months for the full 24 hours. Every time we fast our faith shots through the roof, our prayers are answered and we are blessed with immediate blessings. D and I now look foward to fasting.

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