Thursday, March 6, 2008

Don't Run With That!!

I've had about a million ideas come a go for a blog post but I just have not had time to create anything of substance so instead, I'll fill your precious "free time" with senseless, disturbing kid photos.

Mommy and Daddy are NOT kidding when they say “NEVER run with sharp objects!”
See, this is what happens when you run with a fork!
I bet the kid switches to a spoon!!!


Nick and Miriam said...

Whoa! I just had to inturrupt Nick during a phone call to show him at which time he made his brother (on the phone) look it up online as well. Not much more than "wow". Where in the world did you get these pics?

Lula Mae said...

Sara sent them to me. Doesn't it make you squirm?

Lisa said...

Well, thses pictures definitely proves why we shouldn't run with sharp object. It made my stomach churn this morning. Thanks for the lesson, I guess!!!

Jennifer said...

Oooooh! That just makes me feel a little queezy! YIKES!