Monday, August 24, 2009

So many times I have great thoughts for blog posts. No, really- "I have thoughts". I'll find myself in front of the computer thinking I'm going to write about something that has inspired/enraged me lately and all of a sudden, I have no more thoughts. What a bummer. It's funny how this electronic, income non-producer places so much pressure on my psyche. I blame this in part, on my stupid all-or-nothing personality. The need to either be perfectly well written or just no writing at all. I admire so many of my friends blogs that are always updated with the cutest pics of kiddos and friends doing super creative, fun things.

I take no pictures.

I have no friends. (I've asked all of them to do too many volunteer projects.)

My children watch a lot of TV.

Well, things are a changin' lassies! I'm going to extend myself an original Good Force Challenge- be more aware of others and the world around me.

Because I am of the species that requires challenges or format in order to get anything done, I must approach it from this angle. I am nothing, if not a great format follower! From now on let there be pictures, let there be mindless postulating on issues and events far beyond my control, let there be inspiration and let there be a new ability to actually place those mindless postulations and brilliant inspirations onto the screen before you!


Sermons of the Day said...

Go girl Go.

Lisa R.D. said...

So sad to think you have no friends... (but I think I'm busy for the parade next year :)). Love ya! (When can we do a girl's night?)