Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's official, school has started! I have gone to 3 orientations, found eighteen classrooms, opened two lockers, found one bus stop, met 12 teachers and purchased 10 binders. I'm so glad it's finally here.

Camo's orientation went well although we both came home and felt overwhelmed. I whispered many prayers as he went to school the next day that everything would go well,his locker would open and he would find his classrooms without trouble. I sat in the car preparing myself for whatever his reaction would be and was relieved to find that he had a great first day. Phew!

Won's first day is today and I am praying his goes well also. I did a really great job of getting him registered, finding his locker and classrooms and showing him the bus stop. I introduced him to some kids in the neighborhood so I'm hoping he'll start to feel included soon. I did realize later this morning that I forgot to tell him to pay attention to what bus number he was on so he could get back home. And I forgot to give him the card with my phone number on it. After a few phone calls I got the message to him and I think he should be fine. Here's hoping that my little fifteen year old from South Korea isn't feeling too small all alone at a big high school in America.

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