Friday, June 20, 2008

Bloomin' Yard

I've been working in the yard the last couple of days and thought I would show it off. It's short and sweet but I wish you could smell the roses. I have over 70 rose plants and with our mild spring the blooms are the most beautiful I've ever seen. Now, what to do about the dead spots in the lawn!


Jennifer said...

Oh my, how beautiful! When can you come and work in my yard? :) We're having some trouble with grass this year, too.

Lisa R.D. said...

Wow, this looks amazing! You have always had beautiful landscaping (I know you did a lot of hard work to get it that way)...

Lula Mae said...

Ah, my two faitful commenting friends. Thanks for the validation! I love to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

I want you to come work in my yard too! Your yard looks wonderful!