Friday, December 5, 2008

I'm going to our local Messiah sing-a-long tonight. I had such a great time last year that I have been anxiously awaiting this performance tonight. In honor of this beautiful music I've added the Hallelujah Chorus and For Unto Us A Child is Born to my playlist.

During the week of Christmas I use the scriptural references from the songs for our daily scripture study. My children enjoy listening to the scripture in music form. I think it's a pretty good way to learn about Christ during this season.


Colette said...

Sounds like a fun thing to look forward to! I love your idea of combining the scriptures with music on the week of Christmas... my kids would love that too! :)

Unknown said...

Hey Tiffany - I saw your blog on your face book, hope that's ok. I like to blog even more but I like the face book because I can keep up with my Young Women. Good luck on your music program! :)