Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It was a great, long day yesterday. I don't know about anyone else but my home was filled with political talk and questions. As the day ended and numbers were called in, we sat as a family in front of the television and watched as our country selected, in a peaceful manner, a new leader.

Voting was a different experience for me yesterday. I went to the polls feeling uneasy about my candidate of choice and about the future of our country. For the record, I voted for Senator Obama. As I touched the screen to select his name I did so with hope that he would be what he has promised, no, better than he has promised. I have pinned all my hopes on this man who, on many issues, I disagree with. Why? Because he has promised me it's safe to hope and that he will listen not only to the concerns of those who agree with him but mine also.

To President Elect Obama- please sir, be the man who is the servant of all the people. Be the man who encourages the good and inspires greatness. It is what you have promised and our nation has trusted you to deliver.


Linda Lou said...

We're all praying you're right.

Sara White said...

Hey Tiff,
What did you think about ALL the city propositions not passing, are you surprised? And, my hopes are right along with yours...I hope Obama delivers.

Lula Mae said...

I'm not surprised on the bonds. I just think there was no clear favorite and not enough money for all. I guess in this case the shot gun approach didn't work.

G Hugher said...

Well, for the record, I did not vote for Senator Obama. However, I did read his book - "The Audacity of Hope". From my reading I discovered that we have common ground for agreement and we have vastly differing opinions on some subjects. What I did come away with was a sense of understanding his foundation of beliefs, that he appears to be honorable and he is committed to doing, as he sees it, what is best for citizens of the United States. I hope for all our sakes he will overcome the potential for pride and corruption that comes so often from power and success. I hope he is really as tolerant as he claims and willing to dialog with those of opposing view points.

Because of the multiple crises of the day, I do think he stands at the doorway to being either a great president or a tremendous disaster.