Friday, October 31, 2008


This is the Caramel Apple Cider that I serve to adults who come with their children trick or treating. It's super yummy and keeps your hands warm on a cool night.

Recipe for Caramel Apple Cider

4 quarts- apple juice
1 quart-Cranberry juice
1/2 can-frozen orange juice concentrate
3 T cinnamon (you can also use cinnamon sticks)
1/2 t ground clove
1/4 t nutmeg

Make early and allow to steep during the afternoon, will be great during trick or treating

Top with whipped topping and caramel

Serve in Styrofoam cup or it will burn your hands as you carry it.


Megan said...

I wish I were coming trick or treating at your house.

Stephanie Hatzenbuehler said...

Yumster! I want one.