Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Had a great chance to attend a town meeting tonight on some bond issues we've got coming up. Got some clarification on a few things. I'm still undecided about Bond 1, it's just got a nasty mix of necessary things and pork.
The cemetery bond is a no-go for me. The land that the city wants to purchase is way too expensive and it has been known for some time to have pretty severe water table issues. Not a good place for a cemetery. The Art-Dye park will have to wait. It's a great idea (with a little thorn in my side about the Art-Dye trail) but with the economy as it is, it's just too much right now.
The 560 W bill is another no-go. (the most expensive) It's a better idea to put a light or round-a-bout on 400 W. It's also not very clear in the pamphlet on what the other two rail-road crossing closings will be. It turns out that UDOT/UP wants AF to foot the bill for the (very premature) preparations on the future TRAX line by re-routing traffic and putting in lights. I say if they paid for it up north, they ought to pay for it here.

I've come to realize politics isn't about knowing everything. It's about learning as much as you can, making the best decision and then being able to say why you are going to stick with it. Sometimes the decision you make will be unpopular but I like to remind myself that the men who founded this country spent many hours debating and rebuffing each other's ideas. I think that we should spend less time worrying that our opinions might offend, and more time sharing what we know, even if it's only a small amount. I hope we decide as a community/country that it's okay to debate and express ideas about the direction of our society. I think we'll get a lot more done.


Lisa R.D. said...

I'm very glad that you gave an overview of the information you gathered... we weren't able to attend so any extra information is so very welcome. I always respect your opinions too, thanks for sharing!!

RyanH said...

Thanks! I appreciate your thoughts, I'd sure love hear more about #1 from you since I've been for it so far. And what did you find out about the other one, modifying the intersection near costco (is that #2, I forget).

I agree on the cemetery (#3?), my thoughts have been around the prospect that land is terribly expensive right now and overpriced for the market. I wasn't aware about the water table and find that amusing that it is even in consideration for cemetery land.

I don't like the idea of opening up the road at 560 either, the intersection near state street is too close and too chaotic to open another intersection so close. I also don't like the current policy of open one close two.