Friday, October 3, 2008

Moment of Truth

I watched the debate last night, Sarah Palin did pretty well although I think the truly knowledgeable debater was Biden. I have to say I've enjoyed the two debates I've seen thus far. It feels like they are actually doing what debates were intended to do. I've come away feeling like I've learned a little something, not just witnessed a verbal version of WWE Monday Night Smackdown.

Unfortunately I don't feel any better about the candidates.

My one ray of hope is my perception that more Americans are interested and educating themselves about where our country is and about those who would ask for our votes to lead it. I couldn't help but think last night that now is the time for Americans to be the people the Founders of our nation thought we would be; actively interested in the welfare of our country, anxiously engaged in it's future and well-being, participants in the events of democracy. I think many feel the way I do when I say this seems to be a turning point for us. We can choose to make our country better or allow it to sink into the abyss of apathy and corruption. My vote is to make it better. Now, if we can just select the best leader.


Linda Lou said...

I feel the same way. I hate the concept of " hold you nose and vote". It's hard to believe that our wonderful country doesn't offer more in the way of those who will run for office, but I believe that some of that has to to with the fact that most people don't want to subject themselves or family to what goes on when you do.

Just look at Sarah Palin. The media has made a cartoon of a descent woman. I can't even imagine the frustration of having a 7 mo old baby, a pregnant daughter and a son shipping off to Iraq, running a state, knowing that how you look or what you wear is scrutinized at every turn,and having to defend your basic character to people who don't even care to listen and then distort anything that they hear!

We all need to give the best we can to help pull ourselves out of this mess.

Jennifer said...

Amen Linda Lou!

Megan said...

I enjoyed the debate last night. I loved that it was calm and thoughtful rather than snide and brusque. I think Palin held her own. I agree, Biden was the more educated one, but she did a good job--especially with her lack of political experience.

It does feel like the nation is getting really involved in this race. It's pretty exciting! It makes me sad that I don't feel like either candidate is my personal favorite but at least I feel confident of what issues are important to me.

G Hugher said...

Interesting how delivery makes a diffrence. We all thought Mr. Biden was so knowledgeable when he state "facts" so quickly and forcefully. Strange that we find the next day that he made 14 major errors in his "facts". If Sarah Palin had done that, she would have been slammed hard. You would think the media would slame Biden hard since he is the one with all the experience and really should have the "facts" straight.

Do you ever get the feeling that smooth and eloquent language can be terribly misleading?

Lula Mae said...

When I was watching the commentary after the debate I felt that they were pretty fair about pointing out mistakes and giving Kudos. I don't think that anyone let Biden off the hook for his missed facts. Several pundits pointed out that he had missed used or misquoted data.