Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hey Good Lookin'

We had some fun in the kitchen today! We got "Booed" a few days ago (someone drops off a plate of cookies with a poem and the request that you share the same poem and a new plate of cookies with three other families.) so we were making our cookies to deliver when it got dark. It was fun to look down and see a chocolate face smiling back at me.

We made turtle cookies which are so fun and easy because you cook them on the waffle iron. Here's the recipe from my friend Jessica:

Turtle Cookies
1 C melted butter
1 1/2 C sugar
4 eggs, beaten
2/3 C cocoa
2 C flour
2 t vanilla

Beat butter, sugar and eggs. Add cocoa, flour and vanilla. Drop by spoon fulls on hot waffle iron, sprayed with Pam. Close and bake for one minute. Frost with chocolate frosting.

Chocolate Frosting

1 lb. pd. sugar
1 Cube butter, soft
1/4-1/2 C cocoa
1 t vanilla
1/3 C milk

Combine until smooth


Ally Bally said...

Can I come have some!! Looks like fun.

Jennifer said...

YUM! Thanks for the recipe! Wouldn't it be fun to have a "recipe of the week" thing on our blogs??? Hmmm, something to think about.

Linda Lou said...

Looks like you guys were having fun! That looks like you could make them for St Paddys day and frost them with mint frosting and make really cute turtles.

Thanks for the idea. We'll see if I remember it in March.

Anonymous said...

How fun. I'm going to have to try that receipe.