Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sleep Deprived

I don't know about you but I operate on an perilously balanced sleep schedule. I really am amazed at my ability to appear fully functioning on limited hours of sleep. Really, I think I could challenge my college days self to a no-sleep marathon and win. I've gotten so used to the feeling of fatigue that I can't remember what it feels like to be rested. I mean yeah, I've had a day off here and there but if you amortize out my sleep loss over the eleven years of my motherhood, a day or two of extra sleep really is a drop in the bucket. What surprises me most is that this really doesn't seem to bother me anymore. It's like my mind has finally given itself over completely and utterly to mommy hood. There is no struggle for an extra five minutes in the morning or a dumping of projects for an afternoon nap. I have succumbed entirely. This is a badge of honor that I wear- "I am mommy and I am tired but I'm rockin' this gig anyway!"


Lisa said...

Over the last few years my wants and needs for naps have dwindled a little, but it is good to know that the urge to take a nap can completely go away.

Lisa R.D. said...

I'm impressed (and jealous!) that you don't have to fight with yourself to drag yourself out of bed. There are some days, when I know if I lay down, I'd be out for a good hour, and I do anything and everything to stay upright with my eyes open so that I don't fall asleep. One time in college I think I actually fell asleep while standing up! Maybe with a few more years I'll be in your shoes, but for now, I slap the snooze button as many times as I possibly can before I absolutely HAVE to get up :).

Jennifer said...

Wow! I'm in awe. I am always amazed at all that I can get done during the day with the little sleep that I get, too. But then I never want to get up in the morning and just this afternoon I wanted to lie on the couch and rest but knew I'd be out like a light if I did. :)

Lula Mae said...

okay, maybe I should have rephrased that. I don't love to get out of bed but I can make myself do it. That's way more accurate.

Ally Bally said...

I don't have kids but I get every morning for work and have to set my alarm for 4:25 and hit the snooze button for an hour and a half. I normally get up from 5:45-6:00. I don't know if I will be able to handle it when I have kids!

Linda Lou said...

You go Girl !!

I remember being so tired after Nicole (she didn't sleep for two years) that I went to a home party and when it was over the hostess asked me if I was ok, I was so out of it.

I went home and consumed the 1/2 bottle of Benedryl that I kept on hand for Nicole. I didn't wake up until morning. Gary took Nicole that night and she slept thru the night after that. I never did figure out what he did to make her sleep, but at least I started getting some sleep.

And Tiffany, You do rock your gig !!