Friday, June 12, 2009

I've debated for several days on how to post how excited and grateful I am about Banker's Table. As many of you know, Colby went into business with his good friends and joined forces on a new project called Banker's Table. It's a personal banking system to provide financial Independence and retirement wealth. It's been a long two years but we are finally seeing some fruit.

What I really want to say is that I am grateful for God's hand in our life. We have seen so many miracles, some big, some small and we continue to shake our heads at the wisdom of God. I believe that Heavenly Father knows each of us individually and while I doubt he enjoys watching us struggle as we grow I now understand that there is always a plan. I've always know that I owe all I am and all that I have to my Heavenly Father but now I am deeply convinced this is true and I am more focused on devoting my life to his purpose.

It is a time of miracles, I hope that we can all see them more readily in our lives because sometimes, in the dark, the miracles are hard to see.

1 comment:

Linda Lou said...

What a beautiful Sunday thought. Tender mercies, we all receive so many of them.

I'm glad that your life is going well, and that all of Colby's hard work is paying off.