Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Homework Sucks!

I had a friend of mine, a teacher, jokingly tell me that she believed more cases of abuse happened during homework time than any other. Now that I have a ten year old who is struggling in math I wonder if that could be a real statistic. The thing is, I don't think it's the children being abused. Seriously, I have never been told I'm wrong, rude or just not helping more times than I have been in the past few months. I have developed the skin of an alligator when it comes to insults and I have to say, I am developing the patience of Job. So, for all those children out there who hate homework and feel miserable doing it, you're not alone! Your parents feel your pain.

1 comment:

Linda Lou said...

Homework is one of the things I don't miss about having you girls at home.

Some of it was great ... but some of it was BRUTAL!!