Friday, August 31, 2007

boys are fun

I was cleaning my back sliding door today and guess what I found? A dead earwig taped to the top of the door. There it was, stuck between one piece of scotch tape and the glass. Now I'm not sure if the earwig was deceased before it was adhered to the glass or if the poor insect faced the traumatic loss of life due to taping but I thought it was nonetheless an interesting choice on the part of my sons. At one time in my life I would have found this act heinous and declared the perpetrator and sicko but as the mother of three boys I have learned that these displays are quite common and no indication of future criminal activity. I have to say, boys just add such a different dimension to any home. I'm glad I've been thrice blessed.

1 comment:

G Hugher said...

I am glad you have boys too! I know I sure enjoy playing superman, and sword fighting, and transformers, and wrestling. But you know what? Having 4 daughters made me quad blessed.