Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm One of THOSE Parents

Now I've gone and done it...

And before I say this out loud, I must tell the story behind this decision.

In three days time we will attend our FOURTH Pinewood Derby. I HATE the pinewood derby. I hate it because my first two experiences were the worst parenting moments of my life.

My oldest son was excited for his first derby, he and I did our best to put a car together according to the rules on the package of the kit. When we showed up to the derby, we found out there were no rules when it came to car design or weight. (There were cars there that had bricks on them.) My son lost (it) on the first race. I don't know what snapped in that little brain of his but he threw the biggest tantrum of his young life. We spent most of the night in the hall lecturing about how a scout behaved.

Year two: We had long discussions about appropriate behavior and sportsmanship and we felt confident this would be better. No, it was not. We left after the first race (he spiked the front wheel of his car which proceeded to actually hit the ceiling of the gym and crack.) and didn't look back.

Year Three: We didn't go.

Last year, we had just moved into our new home when we were informed that the pinewood derby was in two days. Thanks to my mother in laws saving of all things sentimental, we were able to use one of my husbands cars from his pinewood derby days. Since this was my second son, and we didn't have to make a new car, we felt like we would give it another shot. He was a good sport and the car did okay so all in all, we considered it a good experience.

Flash forward to present day- the pinewood derby is on Wednesday and I've had the car kit for two weeks. I have not been able to make myself even attempt to create a car, (too many bad memories) and so I have done what I have ridiculed so many others for doing- I have purchased a car off EBay.


Yep, I did it, I bought a car for $61.00 and had it shipped overnight to make it for weigh in. I am a schmuck (yes, I know what that word means). I am mortified and yet so relieved. I'll let you know how we do and now that I've confessed my sins I will begin planning on what I am going to say if he actually wins.


Lisa said...

I hope that your e-bay car comes through for you. We unknowingly just bought $200.00 worth of pirated Living Scriptures DVD's on e-bay 2 weeks ago. So let's hope that your car our preforms all others. If not, I love the angle the story has. Much better than the earlier years.

Julie Pia said...

That's awesome!

Jennifer said...

I'd say you have earned the right to buy the car! :)

Sermons of the Day said...

So what was the outcome???