Thursday, October 29, 2009

The derby was last night, the event itself was unremarkable which is always remarkable to me. There were 4 heats, he took 3rd twice, 4th once and 1st once. He was okay with the outcome as were we. Both of us stood looking on at the first race with our hearts in our noses hoping that no wheels fell off, no decals came undone or any meteorites from space landed on the track (hey, I have bad experiences with derbys, you can understand my logic here)
We were not the only purchased car at the derby and we all had a good laugh sharing derby horror stories. I'm pretty much convinced that the Pinewood derby exists to strike fear into the hearts of all parents.


Megan said...

I was wondering about this this morning; the outcome of the race. Glad it wasn't a catastrophe.

See you in a couple weeks!

Linda Lou said...

I'm glad that the ordeal is over. Sometimes I think raising boys is as drama filled as raising girls.

I'm happy that it all went well, and that you're good for at least another year.

Sermons of the Day said...

Next time you have a derby send your boys up here for the weekend and we will help them with the cars. Braden took 2nd over all with his car he and Cliff made. The race is a VERY big deal up here.