Friday, September 25, 2009

What I've Learned From the Belgian

Life is pretty fun with a 17 year old in the house. Things I've learned since I added an exchange student:

*I have good taste in music
*Rules are important to lay down from the get go
*By the age of 17, they seem to outgrow the need for constant food
*You can say anything when you say it with humor
*High school girls are still the same (even after 20 years)
*High school boys are the same (even after 20 years and even if they are from another country)
*One person can make/break a household
*My oldest likes having an older "brother" to look up to
*Facebook is a secret organization that is quietly taking over the world
*Apparently no one makes their bed until they graduate from college
*It's nice to have a big family where all the chairs are filled at the table

1 comment:

Linda Lou said...

Truely love the full table!!!!

Glad that things are going so well.