Monday, September 21, 2009

International House Of.....

Exchange students! Last night we welcomed exchange student number two, Quentin Vander Eede (17) from Belgium. We are super excited to have Quentin here, he speaks excellent English and is super outgoing and kind. He and WonSeok met a few weeks ago at a get together and hit it off so it was a pretty easy choice to host Quentin when we heard they were having trouble finding a host family.
As we were trying to decide, we couldn't help but think of my Grandparents and all their efforts to offer their home to many and we felt so impressed to follow in their footsteps that we said yes. I will admit though that I am secretly hoping for Belgian chocolate someday in the future! We'll see.

I'll post some pics of our Benetton ad family soon!


Megan said...

Geez Tiff...could you add more to your plate? I'm excited to meet him :-)

Linda Lou said...

What a nice tribute to your grandparents! We truely were a Benneton (sp?) family.

We look forward to meeting the crew at Thanksgiving.

Colette said...

Okay... I get it. You are on an "exchange" program. You exchanged PTA Prez for 1 student and you exchanged the parade for another. Ah-ha! Now I'm following... You are one busy and very generous gal. Maybe it's like little kids - sometimes it's just easier when they have a playmate!