Friday, January 30, 2009

She's 3!

It's official, after many weeks of waiting the birthday is finally here! We celebrated with a Pinkalicious party which was very....Pinkalicious! We had fun, fun, fun! Happy birthday little girl!

I made the cake (giant cupcake) with a special cake pan my mother in law got me for Christmas. It was so cute.
The tutus were really easy, it's just strips of toole tied to an elastic waist band. They took just a couple of hours to make.
It's not in the pictures but she got pink sparkle converse shoes to wear today.
Way cute!


Julie Pia said...

Tiffany, what an adorable party. I may have to copy your idea. My daughter, Bryn turns 4 in March and I'm trying to figure out what we should do. I love the tutu's and the inspiration from pinkalicious, which is one of our favorite books.

So, what else did you do for her party? and thanks for the great idea. Any tips on making the tutu's?

Lula Mae said...

Tutu's are so easy. Just cut strips of toole (you can pick the length). Then, fold it in half and around the elastic, loop the loose ends through the fold.
The easiest way to do several is to mark your cuts on the long elastic then, before cutting, tie the full elastic between two chairs. Tie all your toole onto the elastic and then go back and cut at your marks. Just hand sew the edges of each tutu together to get the finished circle.

I found little wooden letters and 3-d jewel stickers at Walmart. I spray painted the letters pink and let them decorate with the stickers.

They also had tiaras to decorate and wear.
When they first arrived, and while we were waiting for everyone, I painted their finger nails pink.

We read "Pinkalicious" and dressed up in our fairy princess constumes and had a dance party.

Julie Pia said...

I love it. You are so creative and I might have to copy EVERYTHING you did. Thanks for the idea. I love you!

Megan said...

Oooh so cute! I really love girly stuff. I can't believe she's 3 and Hayden is turning 3. They do grow up so fast.

Linda Lou said...

How fun !! I just wish I could have been there. You should be an events planner... ok I guess you are an events planner. But you could get paid for it.

The party looks darling. I'm sure that they had a great time and the birthday girl was princess for the day.

Colette said...

Man - your cupcake cake turned out WAY better than the one I attempted. What's your secret?

Lula Mae said...

I use two cake mixes. One for each side. This one was cherry chip on top and chocolate on the bottom (oh yeah, I greased it really well.)