Saturday, January 17, 2009

On With The New

I told my hubby that I needed to get a new phone and downgrade the plan I had. I rarely use the email function because my current phone is a piece of crap. Well, guess what my hubby brought home for me today? An IPhone. Seriously? This is our idea of downgrading? Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked to have a phone that will actually send/receive Email, etc. but I think this is what happens when we put our other halves to work getting new gadgets.


Lisa R.D. said...

You'll love it :). I don't have one, but I borrow Ryan's all the time. I agree, sometimes things need to be more well-defined when sending our loved ones (full of good intentions) out on errands that involve anything electronic.

Anonymous said...


RyanH said...

Ha! I can relate to that one, not only on the side of electronics, but I can say that we're not the only ones with this behavioral pattern.

For example, I told Lisa I needed a new pair of pants, she bought 5.
(In an attempt at complete disclosure I did need more than one, but 5?!)