Monday, July 7, 2008

So Very, Very Tired

It's been a while since I've delved into the political arena here. To be honest, the topic just seems to get stupider, (yes, I know but how else can I truly convey my feeling on the subject by using a real word.) I'm so sick of anti Obama this and anti McCain that. For cryin' out loud, neither has even been nominated yet.

I've never met either man, don't plan to. I am one of the huge majority who will have to make my decision this fall based on media fall out. As sad as this may sound, the more I read, the less I like either of them. To be honest, I'm tired. So very tired. What is sad is that by November, Americans will be raw with the pummeling they have taken over the last year and a half and won't be able work their new-fangled voting machines due to lack of intelligent debate. Seriously, can we as citizens boycott an election due to insufficient candidates? Could we somehow refuse to elect a new president until we find someone who the majority of us actually want to be president?

I sit here at my desk, shaking my weary head and ask myself; "why must I choose between 'not sure' and 'hell no'?" This is America, the best of the best ought to be clamoring at the door of the White House begging for an opportunity to do good. Not for themselves but for us all. I should be able to look at the group of men and women and say, "wow, it's so hard to choose just one."