Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Ah, but it's good to be connected. I've been without the Internet for a week now due to moving. My dear, sweet hubby got me up and going! Hallelujah!

There is so much to catch up on, first and foremost, the parade.

It's over! Yee haw! All things considered it went well. The parade was fine, I've had pretty good feedback thus far but I have some not so fond memories of the staging. Mostly, I was shocked at the behavior of our city entries. Talk about Diva's! Anyone who has seen my staging knows that it's a tight fit and I require folks to send me their entry descriptions and measurements. I had some entries (yes, two were from my town) that showed up TRIPLE their applied size. This may not sound like a big deal but when someone tells me they will bring a truck, I make room for one truck. When someone tells me they will bring a truck and they show up with a truck, trailer and two more trucks, I am not a happy camper. Needless to say, I will have a few things to talk about at our follow-up meeting next week.

Next on the list, my new house. We moved in last week (two days after parade)and it's been a trial to say the least. While I am loving this new house (will post pics later), I have to say I will be glad when July is over.

It's funny but it seems that everyone I've talked to has had a crazy summer so far. It must be one of those years when everyone has pent-up energy and extra long to-do lists.

Well, I will end by declaring with my whole heart that I am grateful to be connected and back online. I have missed the chance to communicate with those beyond my sidewalk. Here's to the world at large and to my friends, thanks for sticking around!


Lisa said...

Welcome back!!! I can't wait to see pictures of your house.

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't know you were moving into a new house! You've left that beautiful yard and those beautiful roses? :) I can't wait to see pictures. And I am so envious. :)