Friday, February 1, 2008

GFC 11

Here is my Good Force Challenge since it's been a while. A friend of mine related a story to me at Christmas about a "Pay it Forward" type event that took place in a neighboring town. At a local coffee stand there was a customer who everyday would pay for the cup of coffee of the car behind her. This was something she did year round but due to the holiday it seems the do "good fever" was catching. Two days before Christmas this woman stopped for her daily cup of coffee and as was her habit, paid for the car behind. When the next car pulled forward they did the same as did the next car and the next. It was reported in the paper that this kind act was repeated 100 times that day, each car paying for the one behind. This is the inspiration for our new challenge.

Your challenge is to carry a $20 bill around and find a way to help someone or just brighten their day. This may take a while and it may cause us to exit our comfort zone for a moment but you never know when you can make someone's day. Try paying for the car behind in the fast food drive up, leave your $20 bill with the grocery clerk for the next person in line. Make a goods donation of a book to the local Goodwill and tuck the $20 inside with a note that says, "just for you" or "it's your lucky day". There are a myriad of ways we can brighten someone's day in the dark days of winter.

Happy hunting!


ReminisceHeirlooms said...

Hi there. Thank you for stopping by. :) I do not have a catalog. Usually you just email directly from the blog and let me know the item in question. I will custom make anything for you and email you a quote. Thank you again!!! :)

ReminisceHeirlooms said...

Ps. I admire the Ghandi quote very much and it is so true that your little deeds carry on. :) Well said.

Linda Lou said...

Great GFC !!

We never know where our influence to lift will be felt or needed.

I'll remember this one and act upon it.

Nick and Miriam said...

There's something really exciting about anonimity in service...also, having no idea the effect it will have on the nameless recipient. I'm up for the challenge!