Monday, February 11, 2008

Disney Fever

I'm so excited, my hubby surprised me with tickets to Disneyland in two weeks. We're only taking the two younger kids because the two older opted to go to the presidential inauguration next Jan. I'm really looking forward to getting to some warmer weather.


Lisa R.D. said...

Wow! Way to go Lula Mae's husband! And how wonderful that you'll go to the presidential inauguration. What a great way to teach your children about citizenship (you already do so much in that area, this is just icing on the cake!). Have fun at Disneyland, you should have a great time (which you already know :)).

Megan said...

I'm really jealous. Seriously, really jealous.

Jennifer said...

Oh man! Lucky you! We've tossed the idea around of going over Spring Break or summer break. February will be a good time to go!

Lula Mae said...

I'm so excited!