Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I've spent some time reading the news everyday. It's something that I believe is important for everyone to do and I truly believe not enough people do. It's been an exercise in self education for a while now. I don't know why but for the past few days especially, the news seems to me to be not a tool of education and understanding but a growing outlet for the negative, disgusting and frivolous things that take place (according to many news outlets) everyday. I do not believe, I can't, that the world is as dismal a place as many would have me believe. Yes, I understand fully that bad things happen all the time to many. I'm not airing grievance about others who do not share my views I'm simply tired. Fatigued not by the act of reading but depleted by what I've read. I believe I will have to find ways to educated myself that will balance description of current events both positive and negative. There has to be someone out there who can still see a silver lining and encourage people to act for good when so many aren't. I'll keep looking.

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