Monday, June 18, 2007

Presidential Justice

Once again, I was reading MSNBC and the article about the new Supreme Court Justices and their role on the court really stood out to me. I'm sure in what was meant to be a concession to President Bush, the author makes the comments that Justice Alito and Chief Justice Roberts have ".....rejoined the Reagan judicial philosophy."
While I am a moderate conservative and am grateful that the court "swings that way" I can't help but be concerned by the fact that the highest court in our land follows any one presidents philosophy. Why do we have to categorize such things? Why can't we look at one branch and say, they act in a conservative manner or they follow a conservative rule of law. Why does everything have to be partisan? Wasn't it the point of the organization of our government for each branch to check and balance the others? I'm sick of the "Republicans did this or the Democrats did that" tantrum. It's time to stop being so concerned with who holds the power and use the power (whomever holds it) for the benefit of this country and the world.

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