Tuesday, April 3, 2007

On Target

" I love being a mom", I LOVE being a mom"! This is what I was repeating in my head as I checked out of Target yesterday. No, this isn't my normal behavior I was under duress! As my three year old was literally lying on the floor screaming, (and I'm not exaggerating here), I WANT A SNACK! The checker was really nice but I think that is only because my one year old inexplicably cut her finger on the wall clock I had just picked up in Home Decor and had bled onto the now cracked glass face. By the time the "Target Team Member" brought me a replacement clock my son had worked himself up into a category five tantrum and I had to carry him to the car. At this point he ran away into slow moving, oncoming traffic while I placed his bleeding sister in her car seat. My six year old thought this was all amusing and quite thankfully his laughter convinced me that were still good things in this world. Soon after I found myself at a nearby bakery buying bunny shaped sugar cookies to feed my six year old because the extra time it took to get my hurricane three year old into the car put me off schedule and my kindergartner was now unfed, poorly dressed and late for school.

While it may sound like I'm griping in this post I am actually performing a public service. Because later that night I had to return to Target (alone) to get some things I had forgotten earlier (because I was distracted) and as I was strolling through Home Decor, what do you think I found? The cracked faced, blood covered wall clock I had opted not buy earlier that day. I'm not kidding! There it was in all it's unclean splendor just waiting for Dateline to come do a swab test. So let this be a warning to you, shop alone at Walmart!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I can't believe they'd return the clock for someone else to purchase. I've been to the frame/clock/glassware clearance aisle before and have noticed the items are a bit worse for wear. I've never thought about how they ended up that way. Yuck.