Monday, August 2, 2010


Checkout lines are my nemesis! No, I'm not kidding. There is a law written in the cosmos that is enforced every time I get into the line at the grocery store. Some may say it is karma except that I have always had excellent check out manners. I am usually very patient regarding coupons, crying babies and food stamps. I do not know what has me on the cosmos crap list in this area but I must get myself off and so begins "operation checkout!" I am in the market (ha ha) for some sort of ritual that will set me right with the universe so I turn to you dear readers, I need suggestions for offerings to the grocery gods. I give my word that I WILL actually perform said offering (keep it simple folks, no bloodshed or illegal activity. This is supposed to be silly.) and will report the effectiveness of said rite. The ball is in your court, end my shopping nightmares!


Colette said...

My advise... whatever line you THINK you should go to, skip it and do the one next door. :) It's kind of a directional thing for me... if I think I'm facing West (I'm probably facing East) - so I always go for the OPPOSITE of my intuition and it usually does me right. Good luck with that! :)

Megan said...

You could offer to buy the groceries of the person in front of you...or behind you, whoever has less :-)

I'll have to come back when I'm feeling more creative.

Linda Lou said...

Maybe you could rearrange all the magazines and candy by alphabetical order or color or something else as you stand there. It would also give everyone something to talk about in line and when they get home, to all their friends. When you finally get to the checkstand you could smile real big at the clerk and tell them that you are taking a class in organization and time management.

Good luck! If you find something that works let us know OK?

Lieke said...

Always in the slowest line!! Grocery-line-gods hat me!

The worst part is whenever you figure out your line is going to take ages, and you subsequently swap.. Your new line becomes the new very-very-very-slow line! And the line you came from suddenly has super-speed!