Monday, January 3, 2011

Rock On!

Dropped the last of my family off at the airport today. My dad was the final Christmas guest to head home after the holidays and with his departure, the 2011 "what will this year bring" worries set in. It struck me as funny that even as an adult, with a 37th birthday lurking around the corner, sometimes you feel safer with your dad.

I love my family (the one I was born into and the one I married into) and can't thank them enough for all their optimism for this upcoming year! Who could worry with such words of encouragement and hope? And so I will pass it on, pay it forward as it may be, to you!

You're gonna rock it in 2011! Do your best, work hard and include the Lord and the future will bring blessings unimaginable. Now, go and succeed!!!


Sermons of the Day said...


Linda Lou said...

We had a great time! Look forwardto our next gathering. This new baby stuff is really fun, but I should have started out with more sleep.