Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On With The Old

I've decided I need to make some new friends. I've got my sights set on some elderly women in my neighborhood church congregation and although they don't know it yet, they are about to get the shock and awe friendship campaign.

While I adore my friends who are my age, I've decided I need to add some friends who have a little more experience in life. I need some ladies who can teach me from a different perspective and so I shall begin by baking cookies and stopping by the home of a cute little widow down the street. I have asked my Relief Society President if this was a good idea and she assured me that the women with whom I plan to visit will enjoy the "intrusion".

I suppose my motives are not purely altruistic, in fact they are down right selfish. After the year from hell, I'd like to know how other women have survived. I want to know how a woman gets up in the morning after her husband passes. I want to know what a woman can do when a child messes up their life by making bad choices. I want to rummage around in the experiences no longer available in my lifetime and perhaps travel in time by the only means available, through the stories of someone else.

So here's to my search for new friends, may it be fruitful and educational in the least and ultimately, may I be lucky enough to learn some things that make me better.


Ria said...

I've enjoyed reading your blog Tiffany. Good luck with the lady down the street, I'm sure would love a visit. My mom's a widow and they get a little lonely.

Sermons of the Day said...

I always sit on the right side of the R.S room on Sundays. No one my age sits on that side they all sit on the left. I usualy sit alone by all the older women and I love it. They don't gossip and talk out loud while the lesson is being taught. Love your idea!!! have fun.