Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The "I'm Sorry" Coupon

Our Scripture study this morning was on Justice and Mercy. Here is how I taught my children.

Life is a big box discount store!

Every person gets a membership, purchased with the choice to follow God and come to earth. With this membership comes the opportunity to peruse the isles stocked with every choice we can imagine. There is also the condition that everyone must treat their fellow shoppers with kindness, help out where they can and do their best. Along the way we will be offered coupons. These are free to every shopper and there is no limit to how many each can have. The coupons are handed out at all shopping hours and they are all the same, each printed with the words "I'm sorry". Some shoppers put theme in their pockets, others lose them during their trip, still others throw them in the trash without a second thought.

Shoppers each have their own unique experience. Some cruise along choosing every product they can get their hands on. Others search through the goods selecting only those things they think they can afford. It's a shopping experience beyond compare, complete with free samples! All shoppers fill their baskets with whatever goods they have the inclination and time to grab and everyone gets to choose for themselves the items they will buy. Some have short trips, others wander the isles for what seems like an eternity. But however long or short the visit, everyone must check out.

This is what makes the big box store of life different; no one can pay their bill! Upon learning this, some will try to put their goods back on the shelf. "There are no returns here" says the clerk! Everything is purchased on an "as is" basis and there are no exceptions. Some will say; "What a dirty trick. I came here because I was told this would be a great experience, this isn't fair to let me shop and know I can't pay the bill. What's the deal?"

And that is when they will see Him, the One who can help them with the clerk. Some will be relieved at His presence, others will want to hide. It will seem as though the big box store is very small and that everyone can hear what He will say to them. It is simply this; that He has paid the bill and they are free to carry on if they will give him all their "I'm sorry" coupons. He assures the shopper that He has paid enough and that he has worked out a deal with the clerk, all He needs is the coupons.

Each patron will search through their pockets, purses and bags, hoping to find enough "I'm sorry" coupons to get the deal. Some will have enough, some will not and it will be at this moment when they look back into the big box store of life and wonder if they did all they could to prepare to meet Him at check out.

Let us every day choose the best items to buy in our store of life and collect as many "I'm sorry" coupons as we can so when it's our turn to settle the balance we are worthy to use His offering to the clerk on our behalf.

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