Thursday, February 10, 2011

Guard The Skinny!

I'm trying to lose weight...again. This time, it's personal. My battle cry is this; "guard the skinny!" I am so done with this fight. I've been successful before and I'm angry at myself for putting it back on. I like how I feel and look when I'm lighter and so the war to "guard my skinny" shall be fought and won! I will bury the fat lady that lives inside somewhere on the battle ground, never to rise again.

Now, on to battle!


Sermons of the Day said...

Happy Birthday today girl!!!!!! I hope you have a great one.

Megan said...

Dude, I bought a treadmill. Shall we make a goal or something and motivate each other? I'm trying to lose 25 lbs by the end of July; that'd put me back at pre-pregnancy weight.