Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Year That Was A Miracle

I know this will sound more like an end of the year post but with Thanksgiving here, I could not help but to express my gratitude about the preceding year.
2010 has proved to be the hardest year of my life. Never before have I felt so much fear and uncertainty about what my future holds and requested so much from God. I have buffeted between despair, confusion, anger, elation and awe. This has been an ongoing theme for the past 11 months. It's at the end of this time that I have the luxury of looking back and it is with deep gratitude that I can count the miracles of 2010.
We began this year as struggling entrepreneurs, uncertain as to the viability of the small company for which we worked. I have, on several occasions, seen the deadline of self sufficiency approach and wondered if we could care for ourselves and our needs in the weeks to come. I have also been amazed when, as they say, God opens a window. I do not know what our future holds, as it seems as precarious now as it has been through this year and yet I hold fast to the knowledge that God is aware of me, He knows my needs and He has always filled them.
So it is with gratitude that I write today, the day before Thanksgiving, and share a small portion of my story with you in the hope that even though we may suffer, indeed be tried to the limits of what we thought possible, we can find the miracles God works on our behalf.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with the giving of thanks and may you find the miracles you seek.

Lula Mae


Linda Lou said...

Eye on the sparrow.

Hindsight is always better than foresight, and that goes for seeing God's hand in our lives too. When things are most discouraging, it is always important to look back and see that He has always been there... and more importantly, always will be.

Have a great giving thanks day.
Thanks for your post.

BeRight said...

We are small business owners too and our year has been similarly tough. And I am not at all sure what the future holds but as they say, I know Who holds the future! Our future, like yours, is an exercise of faith.

Lula Mae said...

BeRight, thank you, your words brought me comfort today. I appreciate you taking the time to post them.

All the best,
Lula Mae