Monday, November 29, 2010

Faith and Obedience

I am not faithful. I'm not saying this in a "forgive me because I've sinned" way but because over the past year I have realized that faith is not my strong suit. When the chips are down, my first inclination is not to believe God will guide me but to earn my way out. My confusion was that I believed simply making good choices, praying more, studying more and attending church more would rid me of trial whereas I have learned that those acts are simply a token of faith.

I have learned that I am obedient. I can follow directions and instructions and guidelines and commandments and anything else that comes my way that I know will better my life. I think that it has finally begun to come together for me to know that in moments of fear, when I act in obedience, that I am cultivating my faith. Perhaps in the years to come the talents of faith and obedience will grow equally in me and I can become a master of both.


Linda Lou said...

I believe that it is because you are faithful that you are obedient. You have faith that your obedience will bring you the results that you desire. Either way, they are both qualities that will bless your life

Linda Lou said...

Still thinking about that last response...another relationship that is an interesting one is between faith and hope. I like that added sense of optimism that is hope.

BeRight said...

I believe that faith is obedience. You have acted on His words, you are a wise woman.