Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My second son plays soccer. Quite well. We have been to many games in the past few weeks as the soccer season is in full swing in our state and have enjoyed lots of different competitions with some great teams. There have been a few though where there has been more of an issue with the coaches/parents off the field than the actual soccer being played on the field. I will just cop to being one of those parents who yells from the sidelines, especially in intense games. I try to always make sure that my "instruction" comes with encouragement. And I can guarantee that I have NEVER yelled a word of derision at ANY player.

The last few games however, have been dismal examples of adults gone awry. At one point in our game Monday, the opposing coach spiked a soccer ball and screamed at the ref. Parents were embarrassed for him and his little display of immaturity.

Last night I saw a news clip for another set of little league coaches actually physically attacking one another in front of their players at a game. It was shameful. Do we really need another reminder about sportsmanship? It's sad.

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