Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Deer by a Different Name

My daughter asked me yesterday if she could have some deer in her hair. I asked her to clarify because I had no idea what she meant. She said; "I want some deer in my hair."

"Honey, I don't know what you mean. I don't have any 'deer' to put in your hair."

"I want the white stuff in the bottle that gets bigger."

...after a moment of thought

"Oh, you mean Mousse?"


Linda Lou said...

That's a keeper. I hope that you write it somewhere where you'll always remember it. She's such a dear,er, "mousse" thing!

Lisa R.D. said...

This is hilarious. I love that she just KNEW it was some kind of forest animal.

Sermons of the Day said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

LOL Ok, that was the best story I've heard in a long time! Too cute!