Sunday, February 8, 2009

I so have not been interested in blogging lately. I've had to force myself to actually get down here are write a little something. I am very much enjoying life at the moment, I feel ever so grateful for Heavenly Father's guidance and for the revelation of blessings I didn't even recognize. I love my little family and I am feeling such a deep appreciation for the opportunity to be a mom and be married to an awesome man!
I don't know about everyone else, but December and January were pretty dark months for me. So much fear and uncertainty about where things are and where they are headed had me feeling a great deal of anxiety but at the same time forced me to essentially, let go. I have no control over what is happening today and that's okay because I have a greater sense of what is important and where my priorities lie. I think it's interesting that somehow, even though nothing has really changed since December 2008, I feel a renewed sense of hope and happiness even in the midst of adversity. I do not know how it takes place but I am grateful for trials that make me better. (No, this is not me hoping for more trials, just being thankful for the outcome on the flip side.)
Life is good.

I hope all of you are well. I sincerely hope that if any of you are facing the doubts and fears that I have faced in the recent weeks you will talk with someone. Send me a note or make a comment. I think that way too many people are walking around full of fear and sadness because we are too worried about what other's will think about our circumstances. I'm always open!


Lisa R.D. said...

I was just commenting to a friend on the phone that although things are okay (job, income, food, etc.) the prospect of it turning south fast has become very real. It's almost as if we don't want to talk about our fears for fear they will become reality--but I like the point you are trying to make, we should talk about what we are worried about and lighten our load a bit. Thanks for your openness.

Linda Lou said...

Carpe day at a time.

You always do a great job of making lemonade from lemons. I think that it was you who told Nicole that everyday may not be good, but that there is something good in every day.