Wednesday, February 25, 2009

...And I'm Not Gonna Take it Anymore!

I have a bad taste in my mouth about our state legislature. I have in the past tried to tell myself that I am simply not educated enough on the issues so when my legislator says something, I should listen. I have spent hours, literally, talking with my (former) legislator. I used to consider this a compliment. He came to my home personally to talk with me on several occasions when I had problems or questions, spending time away from his family to do so. I consider him a good guy. However, I cannot handle the fact that on capital hill, too many bills are being proposed, written and getting through committee that are anything but helpful, in fact they are the opposite!
I fully understand that legislators cannot meet the needs of every person. I truly feel though that at this time they are only meeting the needs of a few. Proposing bills that further one group causing the destruction of another or bills that mandate, almost to the extreme, the use of state funds is getting out of line.
I remember an interview with Glen Beck where he mentioned that our political leaders could not be trusted and all corrupt. I balked when I heard that, thinking surely that is an overstatement. I am beginning to wonder.
I am very moderate in my views. I ALWAYS try to take in both sides of an argument and so I do not think that when I express my distaste for the current legislature that I am being unreasonable or could be considered a zealot. In fact, I rarely attack anyone for anything. But enough is enough!
To our legislators: stop doing what YOU want- or what YOU think is best and actually represent! It seems to me that after hours of conversations, you know what I think!


Jennifer said...

Ooooh, very well written! I'm impressed to hear you talk with your legislator! That's a whole lot more then most people do...

Stephanie Hatzenbuehler said...

Ever consider running? The government could use more people like you. Seriously, I'm not even kidding. You should really think about it.