Things I think I've learned *If you're close to finishing a project, it's just better to get it done.
*Big projects teach a lot and are really kind of fun.
*You can do more than you think you can.
*You never know what God has in store.
*Making your own decisions is part of life, it's okay to get them wrong sometimes.
*Making correct decisions does not preclude you from trials.
*Our society has forgotten that children become adults.
*Teenagers are adults in training, not children free from responsibility.
*You're body starts to protest after you turn 34.
*Humility is not weakness.
*Very few people want to be in charge.
*A lot of people complain.
*Just because someone talks a lot doesn't mean they know anything.
*Marriage is wonderful.
*Miracles happen every day.
*Being healthy is important.
*I love my children even when they're stupid.
*My children love me even when I'm stupid.
*God talks to us.
*Faith is not blindly following but going where you think God wants you to go.
*Happiness is simple.
*Kindness is just Love with it's work boots on. (got that from a movie)
*It's okay and important to stand for something good.
*It's okay for someone else to get the credit.
*I can always learn more.