Thursday, August 28, 2008

Can you hear that? It's the sound of my sanity slowly tip-toeing around the corner to see if it's safe to come back. Yes, indeed in the past few weeks I have been without my dear little friend but you can rest assured that I have coaxed it back into the recesses of my mind and am finding a greater deal of pleasure in my life these days.

I have not even looked at the blogger sphere since my last post. In fact, I have a sister who has started a new blog that I have never seen. I have friends I haven't called, groceries I haven't bought. I have bills I haven't paid and weeds that have yet to be pulled. I have housework that needs to be done and responsibilities to attend to. All these things I have left alone, indeed walked away from, in order to take a moment to gather my senses after these past weeks. In a nut shell, I over did this summer. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with all that was done but I now know that when I decided to do this and do that, my ambition was greater than my ability. With the slow return of normalcy and peace I have realized that a hole has opened in my spirit and it is those small things; family prayer, phone calls from friends, watching TV or reading a book, that are filling it back up again. Have you ever been there? For me it's been like coming to the surface after a deep dive. You break the surface and feel the air. You take your breath, look around and float weightless in the water. What changed while you were gone? Weren't you closer to the shore when you went under? The submersion was great, there was a lot to see but the dive was keeping you from seeing anything else. I guess I am grateful to be surfacing again.

To those who have checked in on me, thank you! It's nice to have something to come back to. Over the next little while I will fill you in on all the goings-on of the last eight weeks. I'm excited to share what I have learned about myself, my relationship with God and my roles as wife and mother. It's been a great summer that has taught me a good deal. What a ride!


Jennifer said...

I'm glad you are feeling refreshed! Good for you for tending to what matters most. I'm selfishly glad you are back. :)

Megan said...

I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you.

Jennifer said...

Okay, have you left me again? :)