Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Okay, Mitt Romney will give his big speech tomorrow which I'm sure will be met with mixed reviews. Do I think that he will be able to assuage people's fears of a Mormon president, no. (For the record, I'm an Obama girl.)
I think it's funny that so many people think they are well informed about Mormons. There is more to the religion than the Osmonds and Steve Young. Yeah, I know that there are huge differences in the ideology of the LDS church and other Christian sects but that's Okay. We're not murdering people, we're not enslaving people heck, we're not even supposed to swear at people. We believe in basic human rights and moral government. In fact, we believe in being subject to government. How scary can we really be?

Folks, religious intolerance is alive and well and unfortunately, this applies to some Mormons as well.
