I have to admit, since Mitt Romney has begun running for President, I've learned a lot about what other faiths think about Mormonism. I am surprised by how strongly some people feel against what I believe. I've always known that some find Mormonism questionable but I didn't realize that so many people truly feel that I and others of my faith are going to hell. After Mr. Odonnell's little outburst the other day I've been very uncomfortable with how my faith is perceived. I've thought quite a bit about how I feel living a religion that is considered evil and really, hated by many. First of all, I don't like anyone to have negative feelings about me. I want to be liked by everyone. Watching Lawrence Odonnell refer so heatedly to Mormonism as a racist, sexist, evil faith I really felt, for the first time in my life, personally hated. It's a very uncomfortable feeling.
However, as I cleaned my kitchen yesterday and worked on various projects I had some interesting thoughts.
I know all too well the blessings of God in my life and to deny that relationship would be wrong. I know that my relationship with God is what it is because of the doctrine of the LDS church. I'm grateful for the belief that I am a daughter of God and that I can return to live with Him someday. And even more so, I'm grateful for the knowledge that I can live with my children and my husband after this life is over, that those relationships continue even after death. I don't fault others for believing differently. I have no quarrel with those devout followers of other faiths or those who choose no faith at all. I can't make what I believe okay for anyone else but I sincerely hope that if nothing else, the people who live in this country can learn to respect each other for devotion to good things.