Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So we had a really great talk in church a couple weeks back that I've been meaning to share. It was given by a member of our ward whose profession it is to counsel those with addictions. His specialty is in dealing with patients addicted to porn. Needless to say, he has some very powerful insights and he shared some in his talk.

One of the acronyms he uses is this:

I loved this! He is so right, all fear is is the message the receptor in our brain sends. Sometimes fear is useful, that tingle you get when you're in a dangerous situation, the desire to run from danger. The problem with that little receptor is that it can interpret things in an unrealistic way. Fear of the dark, fear of failing, etc. He mentioned that Satan is really good a pushing that little receptor over and over to paralyze us, keep us from progressing. He wants us to feel F.E.A.R. because it can stop us from doing our best.

He suggested that when we feel F.E.A.R. we should use a tool that he teaches to his patients and it is this; place your hand over your heart and repeat; "I am safe", "I am loved", "I am good" and "I am ordained".

That last one caught me off guard but after pondering on that for a while I realized it is true. We have all been set apart to do something on this earth. We must choose to limit the F.E.A.R. we respond to so that we can fulfill the role we were meant to play.

May you have a safe, loved, good and ordained day!


Stephanie Hatzenbuehler said...

I like this one.

Stephanie Hatzenbuehler said...

I like this one very much.

Lisa R.D. said...

Great post... reminds me of another acronym I've heard in reference to addictions... B.L.A.S.T. When we are bored, lonely, angry, stressed, or tired we are more susceptible to temptations.

I love the idea that we are ordained!!! Thanks for sharing this today.