Friday, January 15, 2010

The Home of Your Life

The light switched on in the home of my life. A conscious decision has been made and I am glad that somehow I have accepted the structure of it. Not a "well, I guess this is as good it's going to get" thing but an "I'll wrap my arms around whatever comes in the door of my life each morning and tackle/love it head on". I'll find a place for it somewhere. Good experiences hung on the walls for display, unhappy moments tucked into the closets and stored, perhaps to be taken out later and reexamined for greater worth than originally thought. Some things will take time to place, others have a perfect spot waiting for their arrival.
Accomplishment in life comes from working through each day, finding a place in the home of your life for each and every experience.


Linda Lou said...

And some things you'll find that you can kick to the curb.

Enjoy your new-found wisdom, it will serve you well.

I always enjoy your insights.

G Hugher said...

I enjoy reading what you write. You have a gift.

Lula Mae said...

In case you don't speak Chinese, this is what DeloraAmmons0510 said:

"I'm really in pursuit of my dream, every day is colorful. Because I know that every hour is to achieve the desired part."

I love Google Translate