Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Story of Dr. Saver, Lucy Cool-awesomeness and the Baby Narbles

(Mom walks upstairs to do some cleaning and find two small strangers who say...."

"Hello, I'm Dr. Saver (holds hand out to shake.) and this is Lucy Cool-awesomeness. We're protecting the baby narbles" ("mom, no, you can't move them, we're keeping them safe.")

Dr. Saver: (answers his cell phone) "Hello, this is Dr. Saver." "Yeah, she's right here." (hands the phone to Lucy and says;) "Lucy Cool-awesomeness, it's your referee."

Lucy Cool-awesomeness: (puts cell phone to ear) "Hi. I'm just getting dressed. I'm wearing my sparkly shoes."

(Mom leaves the room to fold laundry)

Dr. Saver: "Lucy Cool-awesomeness, where is your gun?"

Lucy Cool-awesomeness: "I don't want one."

Dr. Saver: "You can't save people without a gun."

LC-A: "I don't want one."

(mom interrupts; "Lucy Cool-awesomeness, it's time to get your hair done.)
(conversation between mom and Lucy Cool-awesomeness; "We're saving people. They're bigger than we are.")

Dr. Saver: "Lucy Cool-awesomeness, let's go outside."

(the two crime fighters go out to save the world.)

15 minutes later.....
(crime fighters run inside, shut door)

Dr. Saver: "MOM. MOM. Lucy is afraid. She saw a fly."

Lucy Cool-awesomeness: "Yeah, I don't like flies."

The crime fighting pair opt for television.


1 comment:

Colette said...

So funny! LOL! I love those moments! :)