Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week of camp

I spent four days in the woods with my family, camping. I dedicate this week of posts to the sharing of that experience and to your enjoyment!

Let me begin my telling you that I have learned something about my husband this week, he is a camping dictator. The natural world has order and so naturally, my husband must too. When we fish, it is his way. Camp set up is his way and of course, camp take down is his way. I have to admit that he is an experienced outdoorsman. So, much to my consternation, he's usually right. But let it be known that by our final day in the great outdoors, the dictator faced a cou. Were it not for his acceptance of the terms laid down by his subjects, he would have been removed from power and banished from the country. What's the saying? "absolute power corrupts absolutely?"


Linda Lou said...

I didn't know that Colby was related to your Father.

But it was funny when people stopped to ask (and take pictures of) how he made our outdoor vanity with mirror, running water, attached towel bar, and soap on a rope. Ahhhh memories!

Lisa R.D. said...

Oh, I hope, hope, hope you will post a photo of your outdoor vanity. Sounds like my kind of camping!